Just a guy far from home sharing skewed views and ridiculous rants for your reading pleasure. This blog is mostly harmless. Mostly.

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Children are terrifying, and snowmen of science Part 1 12/10/2014

Today will be a special blog...

I know, I know.

They are all special.

Thank you.  That is true.

But today I am going to write this thing in two parts.



Let's all calm down.

So today is the day of days, the one both you and I have been waiting for.  Today is the day that I will remember forever as...



Today is the day I will remember for at least a few weeks as LK-Day.

As in "Little Kid-Day" - as in the day I take my 10th graders to a class of 3rd graders and we build snowmen of science.

Now I can understand why you are inching closer to the edge of your seat.  I get it.

You're asking yourself, "If the English call a 'flashlight' a 'torch'...what do they call a torch?  How do they differentiate?"

That is a great question.

You're probably also wondering why little kids scare me so much.

You just answered your own question.

Even the word "little" looks like I shouldn't trust it.  Little.  Nice try.  Nice...fucking...try.  

There is something...little about little kids.  They have little hands.  They have little feet.  They have little tiny heads that I could crush if I accidentally stepped on one.  Yes they carry germs and disease, but the germs and disease are adorable ones.

Sure I could lick a petri dish from the bio lab and get less sick than if I made eye contact with one of these adorable human plague rats, but that isn't what scares me about little kids.

It is the overall little-ness of them.  They can get anywhere.  And what if they touch you?  I don't want to have to cut off any of my limbs because some little kid hugged it.  I have grown quite fond of my left arm and the idea of sacrificing it to the Kid Gods is not on my holiday to-do list.

Good lord....WHAT IF ONE CRIES!?

I can't handle that.  Give me adults that cry and I know just what to do.

I take my beer and I walk away.

But when a kid does it?  I feel like I should do something...or at least, like...care...or something.


Now, IN MY DEFENSE, I have not really been exposed to kids.  

That's illegal, you pervert.

What I mean is, I haven't been around children a lot.  Mostly because they terrify me, but this is "Which came first? The chicken or the egg" territory now...do children terrify me and that's why I haven't been around kids? Or perhaps I haven't been around kids because they terrify me?

And you wonder why I don't sleep at night with great shit like this to think about.

My sister was married to a guy with kids, but they were already nearly teens.  That doesn't count. And usually when my friends get married and have a kid that will be the last I see of them.  So the opportunity to steel myself against these little critters....these Litters...never came up, so I am still unsure how to correctly attack them.

I mean the situation.  How to best attack the situation.  Not the Litters.  I would never attack them.  I often find they travel in groups or tribes, and I would be overwhelmed if I attacked.  Also, I am quite sure it is illegal.  A protected species, the Litters.  Also, I don't want to always be "that guy that got his butt kicked by 3 babies and a binky" if I can help it.

And have you read Lord of the Flies?

Screw that.

Oh, aren't they just darling?

Let me paint a picture of why these Litters scare me.  It is all about perspective...

You show me this:

And I see this:

Or you show me this:

And I guarantee I see this:

I don't know what it is?

It isn't that I don't like the idea of Litters.  I was one myself.  I have walked in their tiny little adorable Litters shoes.  I know what it is like.

I don't remember the ability to smell fear like these Litters do, but I remember a lot.

So in 4 minutes the bell to start my death marc....my walk down to their lair will begin.

I am going to help them make snow out of baking soda and shaving cream, and then we are going to make snow men out of them.  I had my students make a ton of accessories for the snow men, including little Bahraini flags and things for the coming National Day.  It seems like this should be a great experience...or the last thing I ever do.

What if one of them looks at me?

What is one of them...*gulp*...talks to me!?


I mean...a headlock for the first time.

First time ever that would have happened.


So the second part of this blog will be when I get back from this hour long descent into hell.

When I return heroically...either with my shield or on it.

Plutarch once said, "The Spartans do now ask how many are the enemy, but where they are"

Room 12.

Once I am cleared from the medical facility I am sure I will have to visit to attend to my wounds I can go about the business of the mental rehabilitation I will have to endure.  I am sure the psychological damage will be extensive.

When I get back I will update you.


If I get back.

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