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Early Morning Greek Mythology and Cement Sinuses 10/30/2014

Well, the way I see it, there are two types of people...

Those that say: "I didn't get any sleep last night" and actually did, but maybe not very much.

And those that say: "I didn't get any sleep last night, and I threw pillows for an hour and then did laundry and read an entire book about Greek Mythology and oh yeah I also washed the dishes"

See this?  It was nothing like this.

I won't leave you in suspense, I am of the latter.

Rewind this crazy VHS of life back to Monday afternoon.  I felt good.  I had just written a killer blog on http://aboredabroad.blogspot.com (BOOKMARK AND SUBSCRIBE NOW!) about something-or-other and I was feeling good at work.

I felt good at work.  I like work.  I even like work when I don't like work, which is not very often because I like work.  Okay, I don't like work at 5 AM when I wake up, but after the groaning and moaning about "screw this place" and "I hope it falls into the sea" and "A pox upon thee" I usually get in and start to like it again.

As the end of the work I like approached I felt an odd heavy sensation - like my energy was being drained.

Like I was still with my ex-girlfriend or something.

Oddly enough, I am Twisted Virgin....

No, this was different.  I thought it was from the long weekend.  I tend to go pretty hard because the weeks here are so long.   Maybe I over did it?

At the gym after work I felt worse.  Things got heavier and my breathing wasn't up to its usual Olympic  shitty standards. 

I was getting sick.

Now I don't get sick very often.  All the clean living I do really keeps me disease-free.  That or the amount of alcohol has pickled me to the point that virus' can't sustain a livable condition.

Tomato, To-mah-toe

I go home and get some house work done - the dishes, some folding of laundry that I did back in April and hadn't gotten around to yet, and I downloaded a few movies.

Research, really.

Going to Greece - tonight, actually - has rekindled my childhood obsession with the Greek gods and their mythology.  So to beef up on my knowledge I started reading Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief and downloading such gems as: Clash of the Titans and Hercules starring The Rock.

You know, the good stuff.

I also downloaded the Percy Jackson movies.

That reminds me, I made this for everyone:


So I was getting sick.

I don't get sick often, but when I do it is usually just two days of feeling a bit off and then back at it again.  I assumed this would be one of those instances.

At 1 AM on Tuesday Morning, (Monday night) I was awakened by the sound of a cement truck.

Well, not the truck itself, but the sound of cement hardening.

It has a sound.

It sounds like the pressure in your head will shoot your brains out your ears.

This cement was in my face...

And it had a heartbeat.

So I was jarred awake at this point by the hardening heartbeatboxing cement around 1 AM.  Since I usually wake up at 5, this was no big deal, it was around 2 when I decided to get out of bed anyway. So 3 hours to kill?


Read and get a long shower before going to the job.  Grab some meds after work, perfect.

Knock this thing out.

My trip to the pharmacy after work the next day was kind of like asking a caveman if you could use his WiFi because the usual meds I am used to and know work for me just aren't available here.  Nothing against the place, since I rarely get sick I rarely look into these things.

The clerk was trying to work with me, but Alka Seltzer doesn't exist here.  Afrin doesn't exist here. Trying to explain that pills, almost any pills, make me wide awake with brain speed wasn't happening.  I took the recommended box of pills - which were actually very reasonably priced compared to the US - and went on my way.

I popped two before bed.

What could go wrong?

Let's just say this makes way more sense than my dreams did.

I don't know if I slept or not.  I remember being awake but I also have vivid memories of dreams that I can't even comprehend.  Dreams of my trip mixed with work mixed with people mixed with Bahrain life mixed with old friends mixed with dead people mixed with time travel mixed with falling mixed with...I think you get the point.

It was better than any drug I had ever taken.  

A lot cheaper as well.  1.200 BD (about 3 bucks) for a box of these pills?  Oh helllll yeah.

I made it through the night and read almost an entire Greek mythology, (Percy Jackson - it counts, okay?) book, watched a Greek mythology movie and a Greek mythology documentary.  I have no idea why my waking dreams were so weird, all that stuff isn't full of WTF at all.

I also threw all my pillows around, cursed a whole lot, cleaned the counters and took out the trash - and got in to work the next day looking like I had just spent the night taking a bath in LSD.  

It was a solid look for me.

The day came and went, the next night, last night, was a bit better.  I had a glass of whiskey to take the edge off and managed about 4 hours of actual sleep.  I feel like I am kind of in the clouds right now, but a cheap high isn't a bad thing.

After work I will go home to pack and hustle myself to the airport.  I am still getting over the remnants of the Sinus Heartbeat Cement, (name of my next band) and hoping it finishes itself off before I get on a plane tonight.  Overnight I will be at 35,000 feet on my way to Athens.  I am not certain I am going to bring a computer, so I may be gone for a few days, but I can write from my phone if I get wifi.

Look reader, all I can promise is I will try to stay in touch.

Oh love-bunny, don't be like that.  You know you're the only reader for me.

I won't even look at another reader while I am there.  I swear.  Not that you'd ever find out.

What?  No baby!  I didn't mean to say that out loud!  

I mean at all!  I didn't mean to say that at all!

I am so thoughtless.

Look, I am going to Greece.  The land of logic and reason.  The land of history and culture.

Also, the home of aggressive illegal former-wrestler doughnut salespeople...

There were three of them?  That is a crime *ring*.  Sure blew a *hole* in their business!  I bet they *fried* in the electric chair.  Talk about being *glazed and confused*!  I hear people with blackboards in Greece flavor their writings with *Chalk-a-lot*.  

Okay.  I will stop.  But I am not sorry.

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